Yes, please see our international orders page. Some brands and items are excluded from international shipping.

We currently have one retail store in Saudi Arabia, which also serves as our headquarters. It carries a selection of equipment (in various sizes!) and accessories, and has welcomed visitors from all over the world. We operate multiple fulfillment centers to serve customers online. currently ships from warehouses in Jeddah, and in some cases ships items directly to you from a seller. Orders are typically processed the same day, and each item will show an estimated processing and shipping time. Most items ship the same or next day and will be marked as such. Some items may take longer to ship and will be clearly marked as such. Availability information for all items will appear on the product page (once you select a size/color) and on the shopping cart page. We have found that one of the reasons customers are so happy with us is that they get their items quickly. You will typically receive a shipping notification email within 24 hours of your order being shipped (note that an order may consist of multiple packages shipped from different locations in the country) which will include your tracking numbers. By logging in, you can also retrieve tracking information and previous order history. In some cases, one item will ship before the rest of the order is ready to ship, or the order will be held until the items can be consolidated into one shipment. See our shipping policies for full details.

Please note: Alhawee reserves the right to request additional information to verify your order. Your order may need to be placed on hold and/or cancelled until the order can be verified. We do this to protect the identity of our customers so that we can provide a safe online experience.

When you place an order, your card is authorised for the amount of your order. However, your credit card is not actually charged until the item has actually shipped and tracking information is available. There is one exception to this rule. For items marked as “pre-order”, we will charge your card for the full amount of the order upon order confirmation. The reason for this is that with pre-orders that can last 1-3 months or more, the credit card information may be invalid by the time the item is ready to ship. By charging upfront, this is no longer an issue and we can ship orders as soon as they are available. If a pre-order needs to be cancelled before the item ships, we will issue a 100% credit to the credit card.

Absolutely. We use the latest security and encryption technology to make sure your information stays private!  See our Hacker Tested and Secure page for more details. requires your web browser to accept cookies and have JavaScript turned on in order to access certain areas and functions of our website, such as the shopping cart and My Account sections. Make sure you have the latest version of your web browser, and if problems persist, please contact us.

Order status allows customers to see what stage their order is currently at in the order fulfillment process. Orders can only be modified or cancelled while their status is listed as “Order Received”. Once an order is marked as “Processed”, it cannot be cancelled or modified, as the order has been processed by our warehouse and is in the queue for shipment.

Stock and availability information will be displayed once you select the size/color when viewing the product. This information will also appear on the shopping cart page and in your order confirmation email.

Most of our brands have a size chart, and size chart links are located next to the size options when viewing a product. For additional information, it may be helpful to search the product brand's website, or better yet, ask us.

We try to have a very lenient return policy. We understand that each jacket, helmet, etc. may fit slightly differently and it can be difficult to purchase this item online and be sure it fits correctly. See our return policy for details.

Yes, you can! See our Returns Policy for details. Expired returns and exchanges are processed the same way as any other item.

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